Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Did somebody say 'heatwave'?  No thanks.  I can't believe how hot it's been lately and I can't even think straight from the heat.  Dear Lord, please let it be over soon? Amen.

I was delighted to find this book last year, 1987 Ed.  It has a wealth of information in it, including knitting in the round - which is the only reason why I knit today, how-to's, patterns, techniques with diagrams and even some knitting history!

And I got it for half price at $2.50.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sweet mini hand painted plate found for $1;


Larger plate, also found for $1;

Three little vintage plates that set me back $2 each, but I just had to have them;


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It's the Australia Day holiday today, and it's stinking hot like it has been for days and days AND DAYS now.  I don't think I can stand it anymore.  Holiday or no holiday, I just want to hibernate in the fridge until summer goes away.

Onto more pleasant things...

Remember my free oil painting and wooden frame story?  
If not, read here;
and here;

I've finally made some progress since then.  All I need to do now is paint the fancy edge gold, then hang in up.  Yay for me!

The wood stain ended up being a little darker than I wanted, but I still like it.  And as you can see, the stain seeped through to the fancy edge even though I prepped like mad before hand!  It matters not, because it is going to be painted gold anyway.

Before staining the frame...

After staining the frame...

Monday, January 23, 2012


More lovely miniature plates found, the first one with complimentary dust and finger prints!

I always smile and think of the dear hubby when I find a collectible with a Tasmanian theme on it.  Found for only 50 cents;

Lovely hand painted Wax Flower plate, found for $1;

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Found for free but not very usable to anybody in Australia.  This 'vintage' vegetable cutter obviously came from another country (see last photo) at some stage, and I'm guessing long ago.  I can't plug it into the wall socket, so what am I going to do with it??  Option 1. would be to advertise it in the local rag and Option 2. would be to take it to the second hand store.   There could be somebody out there that can change the plug to suit the wall socket, who knows.  My own clever hubby can easily do this, but I really don't want to bother him with something that I probably wouldn't use anyway!

This is what I'm talking about;

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Yesterday, I thought it was today.  So I had made particular plans, but now I'll have to change them.  Darn it!  This morning hubby told me that our cat was playing with a gecko last night under the bed.  Oh that's just great, I replied... now I will have to forever keep checking the floor for monsters!   Ever had one of those days? 

2 egg cups found for 50 cents each.  I noticed the flower patterns were a little different to each other after I got them home, but who cares really?

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The last few days have been very uncomfortable.  The humidity (and heat) has been overwhelming for me and I'm one of those people that doesn't handle it very well.

Although be it my imagination or not, I don't think we've quite had the usual amount of hot days here in W.A. this summer... but then again summer ain't over so there is still time for more heat to hit us.  

Blah, yuk and BLAH to summer and please bring on winter!

A freebie found last year; small round cane table.  I'm only guessing it's a table and not a sitting stool because I know the top certainly couldn't handle any body weight all that well.  

I quite like all the cane furniture I've found in the past, as cheap as it looks.  One of those thin pieces at the bottom was broken off, but resourceful me always keeps certain bits and pieces on hand and I just happened to have an exact piece of thin cane and fixed her right up.  Can you see it?  Of course not - because I did an excellent job.   And it's not the part where 'you think' it is.  lol.  I've been using it for a few months as a plant stand out on the patio and it's still holding up very well, so I must have done something right. ;)

Friday, January 13, 2012


I had shown this pretty plate set last year ($2 per plate)... but now they are actually up on the wall.  I did the job all by myself and with hubby's directions... and I couldn't have placed them straighter if I tried!  I'm so pleased, and they look really cute up above the kitchen window.  :)

A few plates on another wall (prices ranged from 50 cents to $5).  Hubby thinks it's starting to look a tad busy in the kitchen... but who cares really?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


As I do not have children for reasons that a lot of people would pat me on the back for these days...  I can use the sailor hat and shirt to dress my teddy bears!  Yes I myself am still a child at heart, but thankfully not in head.   LOL.

Free cute sailor hat and shirt

Monday, January 9, 2012


I was in one of my favourite, dingiest and filthiest second hand shops one day last year and I found a big glass spoon.  Possibly vintage, but it's oh so hard to tell these days so I won't put it under my blog labels as vintage.  

The sales assistant mentioned that there was supposed to be a matching fork with it, so we both hunted around looking for it, but to no avail.  
I was disappointed, but I still bought the spoon for $1.  I'm now on the hunt to find it's long lost partner.... the fork!  Other second hand stores, op shops, and Ebay has been no help so far, but that won't stop me from looking because after all, I've been very lucky in the past with finding particular things.

But until then, here's to eating some yummy ice cream the oh so fancy way.  :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Monday, Monday.... so good to me.....  NOT.  

I dislike Mondays for no apparent reason.  Maybe it's society that has brainwashed me to think like that!

A boring assortment of free stuff today.  I'm guessing you can tell that I'm running out of interesting things to show you?   

Friday, January 6, 2012


Pretty Peter Rabbit egg cup found for $1.
(Frederick Warne & Co. 2010)

Sweet French milk glass egg cup found for 50 cents.
(Opalex no. 20)