Sunday, January 15, 2012


The last few days have been very uncomfortable.  The humidity (and heat) has been overwhelming for me and I'm one of those people that doesn't handle it very well.

Although be it my imagination or not, I don't think we've quite had the usual amount of hot days here in W.A. this summer... but then again summer ain't over so there is still time for more heat to hit us.  

Blah, yuk and BLAH to summer and please bring on winter!

A freebie found last year; small round cane table.  I'm only guessing it's a table and not a sitting stool because I know the top certainly couldn't handle any body weight all that well.  

I quite like all the cane furniture I've found in the past, as cheap as it looks.  One of those thin pieces at the bottom was broken off, but resourceful me always keeps certain bits and pieces on hand and I just happened to have an exact piece of thin cane and fixed her right up.  Can you see it?  Of course not - because I did an excellent job.   And it's not the part where 'you think' it is.  lol.  I've been using it for a few months as a plant stand out on the patio and it's still holding up very well, so I must have done something right. ;)