Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My lovely Necchi

I love browsing the gumtree ads online once in a while.  They have a 'free' section which is always the first section I head to and every now and then, I find a little gem.  A few weeks ago a girl was offering a Necchi Lydia 544 Mk2 for free, simply because she said it had stopped working.  

She mentioned that the light still came on, but the foot didn't move anymore.  My mind instantly went to my hubby - fixer of (nearly) all things.  What a bonus that the girl didn't live far from me.... so I went to pick up my new Necchi in a flash!  What a lovely specimen she is and in lovely condition.   I'd love to know what era she comes from but there is very little info out there, but I have a suspicion she's from the early 60's.  So I open her up for a clean and what do I find?  This horrid mess.  This isn't light and fluffy.... it's almost matted and heavy!

A few days later hubby went to work at fixing her, and he did.  The foot now moves, but because I'm having a tough time at threading her (the bobbin is so foreign to me) I can't test to see if she actually does work.  Woe is me.  But check out the attachments (and other stuff) that came with it.  Not sure why I left out the bobbins from the photo, but got those too.

The round thing is beyond me - looks a little rude actually but I'm sure it's good for something.  There is one sad little thing about her though.  The plastic right under the cables is cracked.  Thankfully when you look at her head on you can't see the awful damage.

I wonder how much I can sell her for WITH this damage?