Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Free mugs

I love ceramic mugs.  I think it's because every time I see one, it reminds me of either a nice cup of coffee or a soothing cup of tea, depending on the time of day.  For me, coffee is for mornings and only 2 cups thanks.  Tea is for arvo's and nights.  Sometimes I go a little crazy and have a Milo before bedtime.

Milo tastes so much nicer in a Tigger mug.  Somebody was actually throwing this away people!?!  Not a chip, not a scratch and it's almost like they bought it and then popped in onto their junk heap.  Maybe by mistake?  I doubt it.  I love how Tigger is elevated from the mug - now that's special!


Free set of mugs given to me as gift for having a wine tasting evening and I prefer to forget that night;

2 free mugs from the op shop;

and lastly..... my (virgin) TV1 mug (because it's never been used).   Many years ago we subscribed to Foxtel for our cable.  I entered one of their competitions to win a Gattaca DVD and I won!  Not only did I receive the DVD, but in the package was a t-shirt, a pen, magnets, lollies, a game and this wonderful mug!