Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tic - Toc, more clocks.

Clocks and more clocks.  Where do I put all these clocks?  I do struggle to find a spot for each of my little treasures!

Unknown brand, wind up and set me back $4.99.  Stands at 4 inches.

The price on this one was messy and illegible to me.  It looked like $1.  Took it too the counter and the lady argued that it was $4.  After my long persistence, I got it for $1.  ;)  
A few weeks later I was in the post office and saw these little cuties going for $10.
Stands at 2.5 inches.

The next two clocks were bought purely for the mechanisms and not for the clocks themselves.
As you can see, they would hardly be collectible for me.  So out came the bits and pieces and back to the op shop went the rest!  $3 for this one, and stood at around 6 inches.

...and a whole 50 cents for this one. 
Stood around a whopping 12 inches.