Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shocked and Gobsmacked

Life.  It's a wonderful thing.  But on the flip side, it can be down right heart breaking.

Heart broken AND shocked AND gobsmacked is what I felt today.

You see, yesterday I came into my crafting/computer room and smelled something quite lovely.  It was a familiar smell and I quite enjoyed smelling it, but never had I smelled it this strong, and in my room.  I first though maybe my dear hubby had splashed on some aftershave and went a little overboard with the splashing, but his aftershave is nothing like what I was smelling.  I just couldn't figure it out.  I then though it was me because I had just showered but again, I didn't spray myself with THAT SMELL!

Yes, it was literally driving me crazy.  Until this morning.  I sat down to turn on my laptop and again, THAT SMELL was overwhelmingly strong.  My eyes went straight to my miniature perfume bottle collection on my wooden bookshelf.  Oh wow???  I was positively speechless when I saw what I had seen right before my eyes.

It was one of my miniature Avon perfume bottles.... the bottom of it was stuck to the shelf, surrounded by a sticky residue of perfume... and the upper part was in big chunks surrounding it!!!  WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED??  

And just to be more dumbfounding with my story.... this particular bottle was behind a bunch of other bottles, yet none of those surrounding bottles were harmed.  How on God's good earth does this happen?  Nobody comes into my room.... and they would have had to pick up the bottle from behind the others, and smash it where it is.  Nope, not even my own husband would touch those bottles and there is nobody else in the house.  It was not a 'pick up and break' situation and that's the spooky thing.

Then when I woke up from my big shock and came to terms with it - I was so very upset to have lost THIS BOTTLE... the little Avon Christmas Bell shaped one.

Now I ask you... do perfume bottles self combust?  Am I right in thinking this? Can somebody shed some light on this dumbfounding subject?

The upside to this story?  My room still smells wonderful.  But now, I refuse to let it get me down.  As much as I loved that little bottle, it was only just that:  A bottle.  (bbbwwaaaahhhh!)

Golly gosh... now's a good time to show you something a little more uplifting.

Free clothing and it's official; I have a desperate need to open my own ebay clothing store! 
Just kidding of course.

White puffy sleeve t-shirt.  Functional, clean and boring.

Penang, anyone? 

This was 'passed on' because a 40+ year old woman doesn't stand a chance.

Nice design though...

OK folks, the only time I'd wear this out is when I feel like being picked on - which would be never in a million years.  Good for around the home though.  ;)  Note to self; must iron this beast!

In case you didn't know...


Not a favourite, but still wearable at home;

Nice and baggy is how I love them... but it's another that is begging - 'please iron me'.

This is a perky & sporty little number.... I quite like it - only the bottom needs to be ironed!

Yet another that was passed on... but only because it was too tight and too 'young & sweet' (too many cupcakes for my liking) for me...

Bland... and also passed on...

Who wears short shorts???  I don't unless they are for bedtime.  I loved these but looked a tad 'misshapen' on me.  They've gone to a better home.


Mini me!  Looks are deceiving though, this skirt nearly reaches my knees.

I do like this, but unfortunately I'd look like a hideous pork sausage if I were to actually fit in it;

Dancing / ballet tights, but and I can barely fit my foot.. let alone a whole leg in there...