Monday, April 18, 2011

Where am I?

I'm shocked to discover that I've not posted since Thursday.  Can somebody tell me where the time has gone?  Like dear hubby, I wish every weekend was a long weekend.  But I know if we had a three day weekend, we'd whinge about wanting a four day weekend... and so on.  Five days off and 2 days on would sound pretty good to some people, yes?  Am I right, or am I absolutely right?

Onto some free finds; books and magazines.  I read magazines but I don't read novels.  In fact, I've never read one in my whole life... shock, horror for some I'm sure.  But not to me.  The only thing I've read and still read is my trusty Bible.  A paragraph or two per night does the trick to keep me sane and on track.  Not many people know this because I do not broadcast it to the world - but don't let it surprise you, because it shouldn't be a surprising thing in this day and age.  I won't go into it too much because after all, this post is supposed to be about once again, books and magazines.

When I was in primary school, the only books I borrowed from the library were the Berenstain Bears, The Aristocats and Asterix.  

I was so excited to find this on someone's trash pile and a flood of memories came to haunt me while flicking through it the next day.  In pristine condition and it's in French, no less.

Everybody needs a dictionary or two in their personal library. Open up the front cover and it hangs by a bunch of sturdy threads.  The rest of it is just fine though.

In the nick of time for some June gardening. 

 And being a lover of all things wood, it was interesting that I found these.

Yes, these free finds will keep me busy while waiting for my next bunch of books and magazines.