Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ugly is as ugly does.

He's so ugly, even the ugly can't stand to look at him!

'Ugly' is an horrid word, isn't it? 

We all say it and don't think twice about hurting anybody.  We all have our own opinion about what's ugly and what's not.  What might be lovely to you, might be unappealing to some.  And the opposite goes.  Yadda yadda.

I've heard 'oh, isn't that sweet / gorgeous / lovely / amazing / beautiful??' many times in my life while browsing in shops.  I've always replied 'yes' or 'it's cute' simply to be cordial and not hurt the other persons feelings.   

But it's true what they say.... beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and I will add more to that; and just because you like it, doesn't necessary make it an extraordinary thing.  Bbaahh!  Who cares anyway?  

It's all about what we like, isn't it?

Sometimes even the ugly and boring things have a good function in this world, so on with the ugly show.

I'm sure you're thinking, who in there right mind would buy any of these ugly things?  Well, obviously not you and certainly not me.  They were all picked up for free.  

First photo: Pleated calico curtains.  I found a set; two short ones and one long one.  They still had the hooks for hanging.  I can't imagine anybody going out to look for curtains and saying 'gee, some boring and colourless curtains would look perfect in my house, I think I'll buy those!'  I'll tell you what these curtains are good for.  Rental properties and for reusing the fabric.  Still, I washed them all and stored them away.  A few days later I took the longest one out, ironed it and popped it up in the dining room just for kicks.  I really don't know what came over me and it might have been because I saw a curtain ad on TV and thought WOW.... I could pretty them up like that!!  I've yet to pretty them up and it's on my very long list of crafty things to do.

Second photo: Plastic garden pot.  It's a little scratch and a faded, but it's a pretty-ish shape.  I have plans for this which includes a can of coloured spray paint.  Wink, wink.

Third photo:  Brown hand bag.  This bag is cute and functional.  Problem is, I couldn't stand looking at the colour for more than 10 seconds at a time.  I knew I couldn't live with it, so off to the op shop it went.  I'm sure it will be somebody's cup of tea.  Or will it?

Fourth photo: A glass jar with a ceramic yellow lid and stands at about 8.5".  It's became my propagating jar.  For those that don't know what propagating is.... it's the act of snipping off a piece of branch or stem from a outdoor plant you love, and grow a new one.  Place the stem in a glass jar with some water and watch the roots form - it's a wonderful thing.

Fifth photo: A ceramic teapot.  Looks like something from the 70's or 80' and even though it might be ugly to some, I think it's sweet.  It has that ugly chic to it and at some stage it must have been the mode / fashion / in-thing to have.  It was amazingly clean when I found it, no chips and no scratches found anywhere. 

Sixth photo:  AAaahhh this thing.  I did not find this thing.  This thing was given to me by a good friend last year.  Notice how I keep referring to it as thing.  Fake fruit?  Dark fruit? Scary fruit?  I've no idea what to call it.  Yet it hangs in my kitchen.  Shockingly enough, I do like it and I'm quite certain many would not.  I don't give a toss of course because after all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - me.