Saturday, April 9, 2011

Toy Story

I don't need toys.  Yet I have toys.  Toys that were free, of course and I'd never buy them for myself.
Unless.... well that's another (toy) story.

Rebecca and I have the same conversation over and over and over and over when we have our 'big day out' collecting junk.  It's always the same; People are crazy!  Why can't they donate their stuff to good will instead of trashing it?  Why are people too lazy to go down their local charity store and dump it there?  It's money for the poor!!!  Etc, etc.  But by the end of the day, we feel good that we scored all the good stuff.

Stuff, including toys.  I have a soft spot for them for some unknown reason.  It can't be that I was denied toys as a child, because I certainly was not.  I remember playing with toys, but possibly not as much as a child would play with them in this day and age.  Were toys possibly too boring back then?  Who knows really?  All I know is that they're eye candy on a shelf in my work room.

I do have to control myself with the collecting though, because it's getting out of hand!  2 spinning tops that are actually spinning, Einstein, Alvin the chip-monk, Zebra Pez container and a gorgeous bear.  My favourite toy out of the lot?  It's a toss between the bear and the Pez container.  ;)