Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There must be a way out, I thought to myself many months ago.  Out of where exactly?  Out of the mess I'm in, the stuff I have to tip-toe over, the mess that I dread looking at every time I come home, the 'crap' that is accumulating in my life... (in more ways than one).  It was only the other day when I said to my mother while I was looking through other peoples discarded stuff, 'it's a sickness now'.  You see, I know it but I choose to ignore it.  And just for the record, I can tell my mother enjoys it too, or at least enjoys watching me and also gets a little useful something herself once in a while.

I used to have visions of becoming a minimalist well before I started the accumulation, but now I see it's almost too late for me.  But if I can help one person see the light, then I'd have done my job and be thankful that I could help you, your friend or a family member.  Simply speaking, don't start collecting too much stuff.  Easy, right?

Well not for some.  There are different types of hoarders, take me for example.  I don't need stuff, but I like to see stuff around me.  It comforts me, I'm not alone when stuff is around me.  The truth is that I could give it all away tomorrow if I really needed to, but because I don't have to in my own mind (there's the problem!), I won't.  Something major would need to happen in my life for me to discard everything I have.   If only the husbeast would tell me to clean up my act, then I probably would make a big effort.  He won't help me with my problem because he's got a problem of his own, and that's collecting his own junk!

I have to change my ways and quickly because it's getting out of hand.  Thank goodness I can say that I haven't become a full on hoarder - but I do have that tendency if I'm not careful.  Maybe if the husbeast sees that I'm making a big effort, then he'll follow suit.  One would hope and wish anyway.

And just when I think it's almost too late, there is a light bulb moment.  For me it was Ebay as I mentioned recently.  Did I say recently?  It feels like days ago, but in fact it was many weeks ago.  Oh time, where on earth do you go in such a hurry?

Anyway, Ebay has been my saviour when it comes to my accumulation.  

Now, I don't have to be the brightest star to know what your thinking.

" DO YOU MEAN WHEN I BUY SOMETHING FROM EBAY, IT COULD BE SOMETHING THAT WAS IN SOMEONES PILE OF JUNK READY TO BE DISPOSED OF??? "  Was that what you were thinking more or less?  I know if I were you, that's exactly what I'd be thinking and with GREAT SHOCK AND HORROR.

But let me ask you... (and before I ask the question):

Senario No.1
Somebody has had an item in their home for many years from when it was new or second hand, but they decide to sell it on Ebay.  It sells, the purchaser receives it and is satisfied with their purchase.

Senario No.2
Somebody discards an item from within their home which they had for many years from when it was new or second hand, somebody else find this discarded item and cleans it up and hey presto, you have an item to sell on Ebay.  It sells, the purchaser receives it and is satisfied with their purchase.

What's the difference?  Something very simple; it was placed outside exposed to the elements for a short while.  Whoopy-do.  So who really cares?  As long as the item is in clean and in excellent condition, who does really care?  Germaphobes?  Get over it!  Snobs that need everything new from the store?
Get over yourself!

And so, I've justified my actions and they make sense and I'm very happy.
I have absolutely no shame it tell you all this, because I really can't see what the big deal is anyway.  It's just another way of recycling and we all love that, don't we?

I love selling on Ebay and it does help me with my problem somewhat.  Funnily enough, most of what I've sold has been my personal stuff and not much from someones trash pile.  If I did tell you about the very few things I've sold that weren't mine, your jaw would probably hit the ground because mine nearly did.  But let it be known that I will only sell things that are well and truly worthy of selling.  I will only sell it if I had pleasure from having it in my home.  Isn't that comforting, Ebay buyers out there? 

Some miscellaneous stuff found;

All that was wrong with this sweet little necklace was the broken clasps and chain - it was so easy to fix.  Looks cute on too!

Whilst on a rummage with a very missed person, I scored these vintage pots.  The bottom had 'Made in England' and the very missed person begged me for them, so we did a swap.  I got a nice cane and iron plant stand for them.

I can't remember if I had already shown this glass.  It's a Luigi Bormioli 'Light & Music' martini glass in perfect condition.  When I found it, it was next to a broken one - shame!  Not too long ago I found another nice LB item, but I will show that one another day.  :)

A few minutes later... I found that I did already blog about the glass above.
I hope repetitiveness isn't going to be a new problem for me??