Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I'm such a sucker for many things, including mini perfume bottles.  I don't care whether they are full or empty.  I just love them.  Here is a classic blast from the past;

I remember Sea Jade by Yardley, but I never wore it.  The smell is fresh, but I'm not really able to describe that well.  It's not a horrible smell and it doesn't even smell old... but it's something I'd probably never wear unless I was desperate for perfume.  

And here I am in possession of Sea Jade and it only cost me $1.99.  Now, when I found the bottle at the op shop it wasn't actually in the box.  Something made me vigorously rummage through the basket of knick-knacks that it was in, and I miraculously found the box.  I'm so glad I did!  Do you know how rare it is to find something vintage like this WITH a box?

3 more mini's found at a different op shop for $2 each;

Perfume unknown - it has such a cute little top;

The lovely Ysatis by Givenchy.  I remember buying this once in the 80's and I adored it, so I must buy it again some day.

Another unknown perfume, but gosh the bottle is a vintage-y kind of lover-ly;