Sunday, August 12, 2012


See this Ikea Knappa ceiling light?  


They haven't sold these for years at our Ikea... so I guess they are sought after.

I found 2 that were getting 'disposed' of on the side of the road last year, if my memory serves me well.

They didn't look like they were in good shape, but I took them home and cleaned them up and they both looked a treat!  I sold the one in the photo last week for a nice price and I'll sell the second one soon.  :)

Onto something completely different.  

I really amaze myself sometimes.  Even after amazing myself, then accepting that I'm amazing, I still amaze myself.  lol.  I should really let my vanity go and just realize that I'm just plain AMAZING.

Some of you know that I collect thimbles.  

So a few months back I started looking on Ebay for thimble cabinets, holders, units etc.  Have you seen the prices on those things??  Well I have and it's enough to make your eyes pop out of their sockets.  So then I thought gee wiz, I could try making one myself.  I didn't need anything fancy, just something cute to sit them on.

And here it is!!!!

Ok I know it's not perfect, but I'm more than happy with my handy work.  My mother bought up a good point when she saw it though.... she said I should have popped a little shelf right down the bottom.  She could be right, and I might just do that in the near future.  The thimbles you see are only about half of what I have, so I may make something else but a little bit different.  :)