Friday, July 6, 2012


It's July already?  You've got to be kidding me.  

It's a little bit of a frenzy for me this time of year.  This is the time I organize our tax affairs, preparing everything for our accountant.  And not just any accountant for us!  We've been using a great accountant for over 5 years, that specializes in real estate.  They do a fantastic and thorough job, but I still get nervous.  I feel I need to check and double check everything that needs to be passed on and sometimes TRIPLE check everything - and let me tell you our paper work is usually a few inches thick!  This year it measures only 1.5 inches thick which actually relaxes me somewhat.  Not as bad as last years 2 inches thick - lol!

But I always think I've missed something, or haven given enough information.
This tax year was trying for us, as 2 of our investment properties were vandalized.  Thankfully our insurance came through and everything is fine again.
Our other 3 investment properties are much easier, thanks to the nicer location that they sit on.  WARNING: Always, but always get landlords insurance if you intend on investing in property.

Enough of my boring life.... and onto some goodies that I found a few months back.

Ok, so this HUGE sweater set me back $7, but I got over 1kg of yummy 100% wool after frogging.  I love it!

After frogging the whole thing, I made a swatch.  It knits up beautifully and is so lovely to work with.  I scored good with this.  :)

2 machine yarn cones found for $3 (for both).  Riverhart Summit 3ply....

This booklet has some daggy designs, but just as many nice ones so it was well priced at only 99 cents: