Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tic Toc, Tic Toc.

Because my father had a fascination with clocks later on in his life, it logically rubbed off on me.
Before today, I didn't think I was a collector of clocks but I have enough of them to form a collection, I think.  The clocks I'm showing today all came from the op shop.   I will show more in the near future. 

This ceramic Quartz cutie is only about 4 inches high and found for $5.99.

This one set me back $9.99, but made my heart flutter.  Glass covered, ceramic face and bottom but I can't find a brand name anywhere.

This German Kundo was filthy when found but after cleaning her up, she looks a treat.  She was only $4.  Glass covered and plastic.  Now that's a rare price for a lovely clock!