Thursday, December 22, 2011


Dear fellow free pickers, junk collectors, op shop finders and all other sorts of thrifty people,

It's finally come to that crucial point.  I've less to show you these days, yes that's right!  This past year or so I had been showing you all the cool stuff that I had accumulated these past few years (some much older) and now that I've been 'collecting' less because of lack of space for it all in and outside of my home, I'll have to blog less than usual.  

But don't fret my fellow trashies and treasure finders, because there will be a time in the near future when I'll gather more.  But in the meantime...

A good assortment of freebies found:

Magazines passed onto dear hubby.

No attachments with this Kodak camera where found, but easy enough to find.

Tee shirt in new condition.  Not my style, but for some unknown reason I'm holding on to it for now.  The sleeves are a little tight and it has an odd fit.  Maybe that's why they trashed it.

Are you looking at me, punk?

 It's plastic and I love it.  My mother has one just like it and I like to think that I found it's twin.  I might change the plant to something more lush to hide the ugly brown pot inside though.

Simply 'a fish'.  Wooden and golden and ready to hang somewhere, like in my car.