Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All about crystal...

I've been collecting things for years, as you may or may not have read in previous posts.
Today I'm specifically talking about crystal.   Crystal is usually expensive, but I have managed to find a few cheap pieces, anywhere from $0.50 - $10.  I do not buy anything that's chipped or cracked as that would be defeating the purpose of finding the cheap but beautiful pieces.  On with my crystal show.

Two crystal champagne (?) glasses, 50 cents each.

 One crystal glass for $1.

 My pride and joy.... a Royal Doulton crystal vase at only $2.99!

Bohemia crystal vase, and it's the only crystal item I have that came with its own original box.... $6.

My second favourite piece, an Astra crystal perfume bottle for $6.

And as always, last but not least; a Bohemia crystal vase at $10.  That's the most I've paid for crystal and I intend on never spending more than that on one piece!