Saturday, March 17, 2012


A little pondering....
Life is scary and exciting at the moment.  And what would we be without a little of both to keep us on our toes?  Then there is the waiting game in life... waiting, waiting... and for what?  Something that you are waiting for may or may not ever come, so I've learned to just take one day at a time.  Tomorrow does not exist, so why do we fret over something that isn't there?  This way of thinking makes me feel better and much more relaxed.  :)

Free & useless (but interesting) stuff found:

3D movie glasses, the ones you have to purchase for a buck at a 3D movie.  We already had two pairs, but now we can take a third person to the flicks.

A metal heart magnet, which rests on our fridge.  Funny though, you can't really see those top scratches in real life.

I found this to be the most interesting of all - an old Scotch reel tape!  Interesting because it's old AND certainly older than me.

Inside the cover was this;


With a little research, I found out that 'Kapp Records' was started in 1954... then the label was sold to another record company in 1967 and somewhere around that time they recorded a bunch of music for American Airlines.  But don't forget people, I don't live in the U.S.!

Here is some interesting history as found on wikipedia:

1954: Kapp Records was created by David Kapp. 

1960: Kapp Records released one of the first cover versions of songs from The Sound of Music, which was running on Broadway at that time. The Pete King  Chorale was featured on the album.

1966: The record label released the original cast album of Man of La Mancha, perhaps their most successful cast album. 

1967: David Kapp sold his label to MCA and became a division of Universal City Records. 

1972: MCA released the last Kapp Record. The catalog and artist roster was absorbed by MCA Records 

2003: MCA Records is absorbed into Geffen Records, which currently manages Kapp's pop/rock/R&B catalogs. The country, jazz, and musical theatre catalogs are now managed by MCA Nashville Records, GRP Records, and Decca Broadway, respectively. Decca Broadway released a remastered version of the Man of La Mancha original cast album in 2001.

Then back onto more boring things.... board pins and a mauve metal can.  I have a pink one exactly the same.. so now I have two that look pretty together with pencils and pens in them.  :)