The story...
A few months back I was driving my niece to my house and from the corner of my eye, I actually saw it under some other junk. I couldn't see a lot of it in that split second but I could see that it was white and the sun was shining on it. I was amazed that my niece didn't see it first, because she was the passenger! I slammed on the brakes and the car behind me wasn't too impressed... then parked in somebody's driveway. Ran to it, picked it up and like a mad woman who just found a pot of gold, ran back to the car and handed it to my niece to hold. She and I couldn't believe our eyes. I was affectionately dubbed 'hawk eye' for the rest of the day.
Got home, cleaned it with bleach and it looked like a thing of beauty on my kitchen counter. But not before finding this inside!!
What is it, a gekko? Probably not. It wasn't longer than my index finger, but I screamed loud enough for my husband to come running. He thought it was the cutest thing. He let it go in the garden and I was glad to see the last of him or her.
Yay for freebies!