Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh so long ago.

I remember the first time I entered a second hand shop.  We call them 'op shops' here in Australia, which means 'opportunity shopping'.  And rightly so.  So many opportunities to find so many great things out there, it's overwhelming.  The problem is where to put all these great finds in the house, or as I like to call them... treasures.

Anyway it was over 10 years ago when I entered that dingy, old and smelly op shop.  I was at my local shopping centre with my mother and we saw it, entered it and we were amazed with.  I'm pretty sure it was my mothers first time also, hence the fascinating comments that came out of her mouth.  We had a quick look around and I found what I was looking for.  An electric blue silky shirt.  It was faux silk of course, but I just had to have because after all, it was a measly $2.  I wore the shirt a couple of times within the year, but then gave it back to an op shop several years later.  Not to the same op shop, because it closed down months later.  I got caught up in how much the shirt was, rather than actually really liking it.  Isn't that always the way?

The second time was in Bunbury, a good few hours away from home.  My husband was sent to do some work and I tagged along.  Found the op shop, entered it and it took me about a minute to look around, then left.  Why?  I didn't know what I was looking for, I was the only one in there and I was embarrassed.  Again, why?  To this day I do not know.  I was new to the op shopping experience and had a lot to learn.  And so it began.  My hunt for more op shops and actually looking for something worthwhile.

Found many years ago....
A bunch of yarn cones, small cones were $2 and large cones were $5.  The large ones are heavy and I thought they were a steal!

Mostly wool, some cotton, and an acrylic.  I don't normally buy acrylic, unless it's soft and is an appealing colour.   Still, was elated when I found these.