Sunday, June 19, 2011

Free hat and coat stand

Last year I was driving home from who knows where, and not too far from my house I spotted a bunch of wooden things that somebody was trashing.  They looked kind of nice in a shabby way.  So I parked the car and went knocking on their door.  After a couple of tries, I just threw it all in the car boot.

When I got home I looked at all the pieces and it quickly occurred to me what it was.  So I started putting the puzzle together....  and I was right - it was a beaten up hat and coat stand.  I was very thrilled with my free find!  

So I went to work on it for several weeks....  

I used jarrah wood coloured varnish, but I didn't sand it down, shock... horror.  Any woodworker would probably tell me that I'm nuts for not doing so, but I honestly couldn't be bothered. 


... then this beautiful creature was in our lives.

As you can see in the background, there is a big old mess.  I'm always up to something!