Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The smashed cup

 One day we decided to get ceramic tiles laid throughout the house, so that meant packing everything up.  The whole process was such a chore and I never want to go through that again, but it the end it was worth it.  

Then the day came when I could unpack everything.  This included a lovely dinner set my mother gifted me many years ago.  Each individual piece was lovely wrapped in newspaper.

I started to unwrap them, one by one.... and the last piece was a cup.  It slipped out of my hands and crashed onto the new tiles.  Didn't hurt the tiles, but that cup had smashed into a million bits.

I was utterly shocked and heart broken to say the least.  Oh well, I said to myself and a tear or two.  These things happen and there is nothing I can do about it now.   

Years later I was in an op shop, but I was South of the river ( I live North ).  Imagine my elation, delight and thankfulness when I found some of the dinner set pieces!

Yes, I did buy them all for one cup, but I only spent $30 for well over 30 pieces AND I ended up with ones I didn't have - a gravy boat, sugar bowl, milk holder, soup bowls with handles (so cute!) a pepper shaker (no salt unfortunately, but I'm on the hunt!), and a tea pot.  The set is called 'Renaissance Fine China, Made in Australia'.

I love when these kind of things happen.  It makes me so very appreciative that we have op shops!

This is what I found, minus what I already had;