Friday, May 18, 2012


Apart from the fact that I find some interesting things being thrown out by people, it never ceases to amaze me that fragile things are thrown out.  

You couldn't have passed it onto a family member, a friend, the next door neighbour, an enemy even?? No.  Straight onto the the rubbish heap!  

And what's more surprising is the fact that I find a lot of un-smashed glass.  I can picture it;  They walk out the front door holding something unwanted and fragile.  They place it lovingly onto their trash heap.  The trash collectors (usually men, because I've never in my whole life seen a woman trash collector) come along and throw everything in the rubbish truck.  Do you think they are going to lovingly pick it up and place every fragile item they find in a special 'fragile box' inside the truck?  I highly doubt it.   They don't care as long as they get the job done and then go home already!

Having said all that... I am grateful to the people out there that gently place their unwanted fragile things onto their trash piles... for people like me to enjoy.  :)

Free 'Music & Light' martini glass (by Luigi Bormioli of Italy glassware), intact with absolutely no chips or cracks - perfect.  A set of four will set you back $35 and possibly more.

Free belt attachments etc.... from a a belt that was being thrown away.  I nearly tossed the whole thing in the trash bin after I bought this home - but something stopped me.  I'm guessing you can see what that was.  I'm sure I can use these for something!  I'm pretty sure these all all brass.  Too bad if I'm wrong.  ;)

How cute.  These Diamantes were attached to the back of a shoe that was being trashed (surprise, surprise!), but it was a big pity that I couldn't find the second shoe.  Yes, I did wash my hands after handling the shoe!