Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Yummy yarn, found for $1 per ball;

Acrylic, but surprisingly soft.

Mohair, or at least part mohair and feels lovely to the touch.

Pure cotton, it's nice, soft and not like those horrid stiff cottons.

And now for the obligatory let down. I didn't pay $1 for this next ball of pure wool, but rather 50 cents.  I really don't know why I did not carefully check it whilst at the op shop, I must have had brain mush at that particular moment (yes, it happens to the best of us).  After I got it home, this is what I found;

I think there must be about 10gm more or less, of short and long strands.  Thankfully the rest was ok.  Ugghh!  Please check your yarn thoroughly before purchasing at the op shop!