Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What's a coin worth?

The last time my niece Rebecca and I went scavenging for free stuff, I found a 20 cent coin.

A few times before that, I found these;

About a year ago I found a small foreign coin in a car park.

A few years before that, I found 2 small foreign coins in another car park.

If I find a coin a day, when would I be rich?

Monday, May 30, 2011

All about brass

Just because it doesn't look nice when you find it, doesn't mean it won't clean up with a bit of brass cleaner.  I found each of these brass beauties in different op shops, but I never intended on specifically looking out for these sorts of whimsies.  I really love how they look elegant and vintage at the same time!

Brass vase, $1 and made in Italy.  Before cleaning....

After cleaning.

Brass napkin (or serviette) holder, $2.

Brass candle holder $3
Brass frames, $1 for the round, $2 each for the square ones.. and made in Italy.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Free ceramic fish dish

What a cute little thing this is.... somebody was silly enough to throw it out!  My niece Rebecca grabbed it along with some other nice ceramic things, but she was kind enough to pass this one onto me straight away.

I'm not sure what it's used for,  but I popped in a couple of cotton balls drenched in essential oils (lavender, vanilla, mmm!!!) and I'm also thinking I can put a little tea light in and the light would prettily shine through the holes.  Adorable.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The mother load.

A few years back I hit the jackpot.  Winning the lotto would have been nicer, but I had to settle for $10 worth of cotton.  Believe it or not, I've not used any of this as I'm waiting on a 'good reason' to start something.... but I say this with a little jest.  I don't really like working with cotton all that much, but seeing that I have it, I may as well think of something to make!  Funny how we buy things, just because it's a real bargain, and even though we could probably live without it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Free Videos

Videos.... the long lost method of watching a good movie.  Thank goodness those days are over.

Yet, here are a bunch of videos I found, about 50-ish or possibly more.  They looked like they were just purchased.  Hardly any scratches on the covers and when I opened them up they actually looked like that hadn't been played and if they had, it's possible they were played once or twice. 

I honestly have no clue as to their true condition (has the movie disintegrated so much that they are unwatchable??) because I'm unable the play them as we don't own a video player anymore. Pity...

A few were passed onto my niece, a few were given to the op shop and I kept the favourites.

This 3D card was in The Lost World DVD... a collectors item one day, perhaps?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tic - Toc, more clocks.

Clocks and more clocks.  Where do I put all these clocks?  I do struggle to find a spot for each of my little treasures!

Unknown brand, wind up and set me back $4.99.  Stands at 4 inches.

The price on this one was messy and illegible to me.  It looked like $1.  Took it too the counter and the lady argued that it was $4.  After my long persistence, I got it for $1.  ;)  
A few weeks later I was in the post office and saw these little cuties going for $10.
Stands at 2.5 inches.

The next two clocks were bought purely for the mechanisms and not for the clocks themselves.
As you can see, they would hardly be collectible for me.  So out came the bits and pieces and back to the op shop went the rest!  $3 for this one, and stood at around 6 inches.

...and a whole 50 cents for this one. 
Stood around a whopping 12 inches.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All about crystal...

I've been collecting things for years, as you may or may not have read in previous posts.
Today I'm specifically talking about crystal.   Crystal is usually expensive, but I have managed to find a few cheap pieces, anywhere from $0.50 - $10.  I do not buy anything that's chipped or cracked as that would be defeating the purpose of finding the cheap but beautiful pieces.  On with my crystal show.

Two crystal champagne (?) glasses, 50 cents each.

 One crystal glass for $1.

 My pride and joy.... a Royal Doulton crystal vase at only $2.99!

Bohemia crystal vase, and it's the only crystal item I have that came with its own original box.... $6.

My second favourite piece, an Astra crystal perfume bottle for $6.

And as always, last but not least; a Bohemia crystal vase at $10.  That's the most I've paid for crystal and I intend on never spending more than that on one piece!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Free magazines galore!

I found a heap of magazines waiting to be trashed!  Who knew there were so many magazines about collecting stuff out there?

-Collect it!
-Antiques & Decorative Arts
-Country Collections
-Coin & Banknote
-Dolls & Bears
-Bear Creations
-Teddy Bear & Friends

Sunday, May 22, 2011

All about ceramics...

Cutest bunny for $1.  She's so sweet, I feel a tooth ache coming on...

Bell for just 50 cents. I adore the floral pattern and colouring...

I love my $6 Avon Geese and for me, they were worth every penny.  Salt and Pepper shakers from the 1980's and possibly collectible.  Truth is I don't buy anything if I truly don't like the look of it and wouldn't give two hoots if it was collectible or not.  For me, I have to love it and when it's mine - it instantly becomes priceless.

Egg cups, both for 50 cents.  These are too imperfect not to be hand made and painted.  Note how they are an imperfect matching pair.  ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011

And then there was free light

If you're like me (and Rebecca, my niece) and you find free lighting and you have a husband/boyfriend/partner/friend that can do some illegal electrical work, then good for you!!  By the way, I don't condone doing your own electrical work if you don't have an electricians license because it is VERY dangerous... but my darling husband is a jack of all trades and can just about perform miracles, thank goodness and yay for me. 

Glass light shades; the white one had a few small rust marks but they're all gone now and looks as good as new.   I love how the clear one has a million teeny little bubbles in it.


This boy is really heavy!  Unique and fascinating and I'd love to find out more about it.  Can't find a thing though....

Rebecca and I found two of these, we took one each and now she doesn't want hers anymore so she's passing it onto me - woohoo!

 I think this one is very pretty and sweet... looks like a kind of 80's style because of the colour, don't you think?  Still, I really love it.

This one is either copper or brass.  I always get confused with the two.... but the more I look at it, the more I steer toward copper.  Yes, three glass shades are needed for this.

Rebecca raced for this one, but then she passed it onto me - the doll that she is.

Funnily, this was being thrown out a few houses away from me about a year ago.  I grew tired of its not so pretty look, so I dismantled it as much as possible to keep the 'spare parts', which always come in handy... let me tell you!  The rest went to goodwill.

These are very heavy.  I think I'm too frightened of putting them up because of that - don't know why.  I like how it has lead amongst the glass.

A simple little thing also in need of glass 3 shades.  One day I'll find them, I'm sure.

Last but certainly not least...this light stand didn't have the plastic shade on it - I just plonked it on there for looks, or maybe lack of.  It wasn't working when I found it, but the trusty husbeast fixed it.  I plan on making my own shade for this and it's either going to look spectacular or it will be a downright flop.  My imagination tells me to use alaminium soda cans in a particular way.  I shall not say too much more in case it does work out, then everyone will start copying my idea.  NO NO NO, I do not want people to cash in on my original ideas!!!

So there you go lovely people.... amazing, isn't it?   I love folks that throw out their good lighting.  Please never stop doing that.  ;)