Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mini Plates

You know I adore them by now.  Miniature plates - I squeeeeeee every time I find one.  And I've always managed to get them for a tad less via haggling. 

 I paid $1 for this one so I didn't haggle for it, although getting it down to 50 cents would have been rather nice;

These extremely pretty ones were originally $4 each but I got them down to $3 each;

And this one was originally $6.  That's a steep price for a teeny plate!  But I just had to have it... the shop assistant was a little tough to break, but I did manage to get it for $5.

Now you may be wondering how I display my iddy biddy plates.
When I found a previous mini (  clicky, clicky here! ), it actually came with a little wire stand.  So I got to wondering how I could get these either cheaply (and believe me I've looked and inquired as to where to find them - but to no avail.. and honestly I'm not prepared to buy them from ebay if I know there are other ways of solving the problem.) or try and make my own.  Well the latter won and I did made my own but let me tell you, they ain't the easiest things to make.

I measured each point of the stand and went to work with wire and pliers and yes, I succeeded!  Here is my best attempt;

And of course, they work very well thank you very much!