Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Free kitchen items found;

If one mug wasn't cracked/chipped, I would have had a nice little dinner set for two.

Yes you are seeing clearly, the trays are still sealed in the pack.

 One martini glass, but not just any old glass.  I did find a second glass, but unfortunately it was not so elegantly smashed.


This poor little Phillips grinder has an interesting story.... the plug could only be used overseas, but dear hubby had his way of testing it.  Unfortunately it started smoking when he did and cooked the poor thing.  So into the trash it had to go.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Avon Topaz cream lotion decanter found for $2.  That's what it read on the bottom sticker before I washed it.   If I had known the sticker was going to peel off, I would have taken better care.  The last photo shows the sticker BEFORE washing it... Le sigh.

Very cute glass pear found for $1.99.  I call it a 'thingy holder'.  It has 'Italy' and the number 28 at the bottom.   I'd love to find an apple and other scrumptious fruits available, but I don't know if they actually exist.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Curious little free thing.  I knew it was a radio when I found it, but hubby had to tell me exactly how to use it, why it looked that way, why it did what it did and how it.... oh you get the picture.

Wind up AM / FM radio with LED flashlight, and it works....

Wind it up and give your arms a good work out at the same time!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Today is a great day to show off my thimble collection.  Out of all my collections, this would have to be my favourite.  How could anybody not like thimbles?  They are simply adorable IMHO and I squeeee every time I find them... which isn't often these days.  I have fine porcelain, fine bone china, ceramic, metal (brass?  silver?  who knows?) and one plastic or at least I think it is.  I have found a lot of them for 50 cents each, some for $1 & $2 each and the most I've ever paid for one is $5 (the blue with gold flower which is gorgeous in real life) - and it was a must have!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Well folks, I have Christmas covered AND entirely for free.  

If I was one of those people that celebrated 'Xmas' just for the holidays, presents, boozing it up, eating too much and generally parrrtaying, then I'd really be an ecstatic happy chappy.  But I'm not one of those people.  

I celebrates Christmas for it's real and true meaning and nothing more.   Still, here lays the paraphernalia and stuff....  


Here's me looking like a true hypocrite...

Yes, the cap was free too!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


$1 each for these little port/sherry/liquor glasses;

$1 for this little green tinted bottle.  But I couldn't stand that hand made 'thing' on it.. so off it came;

$3 for this tube vase.  I had found one exactly the same last year for $2, so now I have twins!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Free books and more free books..... along with the obligatory free wooden shabby chic style books ends!

It's always good to be corrected and informed...

Looking forward to mixing up a few drinks...

Not a language I understand, but full of great movie photos... but mostly in black and white.  

Just in case somebody I know is bleeding profusely, has been knocked down by a truck or struck down by lightening...


Very old novels.... 

I love potatoes.... 


Mr Walker (and I never liked his huge set of dentures and his thick 'n' hairy upper lip) doesn't interest me that much, but I now own his book...

I really do need to cleanse my insides quite thoroughly...

Say no more!