After collecting yarn for a few years now... I still don't get bored of finding a bargain. Sometimes I know what I'll use it for, sometimes I don't. Either way, it's all good and I will probably keep collecting it until the day my eye sight is no more. I say that because my eye sight has diminished rapidly this past year and I fear the worst.
I've started wearing glasses to knit at night - something I shouldn't be doing because I make more mistakes when I'm sleepy/tired. Thankfully day time is ok (notice I wrote 'ok' and not 'good'). Oh well, nobody can stay whole forever, this is true. In the meantime I will enjoy finding yarn! Found for $1 each (the Faith was both for $1) ...
From thimbles to egg cups, crystal to glass, yarn to fabric... and even freebies! I love collecting!

Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
I must always be at the right place, at the right time when it comes to finding decorative plates and I can't believe they aren't snapped up quickly! I must be one of the very few collectors in town.... or I'm just quicker at finding them which suits me just fine, thanks very much.
How can nobody love My Little Pony? Found for a mere 50 cents.
How sweet is this plate? Found for only $1.
This 3D plate isn't without a couple of tiny chips, the type you really need to look hard to find but I can live with that. I think even the most careful person would have a hard time keeping this in one piece and I'm surprised that it lacks more damage. Still, a lovely one found for a whole $2.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Furga love of dolls....
I had a few dolls when I was a wee lass, but I don't remember being overly obsessed with them. One special doll is this pretty ' Furga' which was given to me in 1970 (or was is 1971?) at the ripe age of 4, when the family arrived in Australia... all the way from Italy via ship. I was told that the gift was from the actual ship company and apparently the little angels were given dolls and the little tyrants where given something else. Everything was a blur back then on that big ol' ship along with very few vivid memories etched into my mind. I don't remember receiving the doll, but I remember flashes of my father being ill on the bed. I don't remember eating or sleeping or anything else for that matter, but I remember wearing an inflatable yellow life saving suit, not to mention remembering being petrified of having it on.
Funny how we sometimes remember the more upsetting things from our childhood.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
You know what? I'm so glad I found this lovely vintage J & G Meakin dinner set. From the research I've done, it's likely to be from the 1960's but I'll have to investigate further. It's in beautiful condition with no chips or cracks at all.
Quite amazing to find something old in this condition! It was priced at $30, but I got it down to $25. Better than no discount at all, I say. They don't make dinner sets like this anymore...
Consists of;
4 cups
4 saucers
4 little plates
4 large plates
4 bowlsThursday, December 22, 2011
Dear fellow free pickers, junk collectors, op shop finders and all other sorts of thrifty people,
It's finally come to that crucial point. I've less to show you these days, yes that's right! This past year or so I had been showing you all the cool stuff that I had accumulated these past few years (some much older) and now that I've been 'collecting' less because of lack of space for it all in and outside of my home, I'll have to blog less than usual.
But don't fret my fellow trashies and treasure finders, because there will be a time in the near future when I'll gather more. But in the meantime...
A good assortment of freebies found:
Magazines passed onto dear hubby.
No attachments with this Kodak camera where found, but easy enough to find.
Tee shirt in new condition. Not my style, but for some unknown reason I'm holding on to it for now. The sleeves are a little tight and it has an odd fit. Maybe that's why they trashed it.
Are you looking at me, punk?
It's plastic and I love it. My mother has one just like it and I like to think that I found it's twin. I might change the plant to something more lush to hide the ugly brown pot inside though.
Simply 'a fish'. Wooden and golden and ready to hang somewhere, like in my car.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Oh, the prettiness of it all.....
Little bits and bobs, eye candy, knick knacks, curios and so on. Whatever you call them, they can have such a hold on you can't they? But we only live once so we may as well enjoy what we buy and have.
Little bits and bobs, eye candy, knick knacks, curios and so on. Whatever you call them, they can have such a hold on you can't they? But we only live once so we may as well enjoy what we buy and have.
Adorable dove clock found for $8, but I managed to sweet talk the shop assistant into giving it to me for just $5. It stands at 8 inches and shock, horror - it works just fine.
Sweet little ceramic rose for 70 cents. You can't beat that price for something as pretty as this. Although white can terribly difficult to photograph.
Tasmanian egg cup for 50 cents, but made in Japan. :/
Only bought this because the husbeast is one (Tasmanian, not Japanese).
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I used to get my meals served on a silver platter... but I now get served on a gold bowl
Then my sweet dessert will be respectfully served on a square glass plate
After dessert comes a lover-ly cup of tea from an English tea pot, no less.
Then the English tea pot is placed on a dainty crocheted white cotton doily
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Cute things found for $1 each!
Ceramic hello kitty
Mother goose egg cup
Wooden egg cup
Sweetest little plate
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