Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In the garden.

I have an abundance of plant pots.  

Some hanging baskets, a huge amount of plastic pots, some terracotta planters and a few different things that aren't for the garden but I use them anyway.

The great thing is that I don't buy them....  I find them for free, of course.  Yay for free!

This is quite a heavy ceramic baking dish, but simply perfect for my little succulents.  It has a slight crack (good for drainage!) at the bottom but it's holding these babies just fine.

When I find the hanging baskets they're usually rusted but on rare occasions, I find some better looking ones.  They do have plants in them and I'll show you another day.

This one is rather tall, so I had to stuff it with some packing foamy thingies before I put a plant in it otherwise I'd have to use a whole bag of potting mix, I'm sure!

Your everyday plain terracotta pot doin' it's thang...

 And last but certainly not least.... I think this is a wine holder/cooler thing, but somebody correct me if I'm wrong.  

 Now that's better.  :)