Friday, December 28, 2012


UUGGHH!  We are having a heatwave in Perth.  It's horrible.  I feel like I can't breathe.  We need relief NOW.  Power here is costly, so we use our air conditioner very sparingly.  We usually have it on fan mode, which is just blowing warm air around.  I don't know what's worse, the warm air blowing around in the house or the heat outside.  Both are horrid, both are giving me a headache.

But I will try to sound energetic, happy and cool for you now.  

Only because of my love for wood, did I buy this lovely John Jaques wooden chess set with its own wooden case.  No chess board available though.  Found for $3.99.  Who knows when I will get an urge to play a little chess?  I can make my own tacky looking chess board easily.  ;)
The bottom felt was coming off a little from some of them, but I just glued them back and they look as good as new.  :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Well, well, well.... what do we have here?  IMAGES!!


But after trying to post more, it gave me the same message as last time ; 

" Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more "

Well if that's the case, why on earth could I post those?

 UUGGHHH!  The frustration is overwhelming.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, take 2.

Thanks for nothing, blogger.  You suck.  You make me ill.  You lack integrity and have become money hungry just like the rest.  Shame on you. 

Ok, after that little outburst, I'm a tad more calmer.

I've decided to make a new blog, but keep this one open to the public as well.
It's going to take me a while so please be patient, bookmark me if you haven't already done so and keep an eye out weekly to see if I have the new blog ready.

I've also decided that the new blog will be invite only, through ravelry.
If you don't know what that is, go here ---> RAVELRY to sign up for free, because that's the only way you'll be able to contact me. 

So please stay tuned, more info to come!


Today, I was happily blogging away... then went to add some photos BUT I GOT THIS!!!
" Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more "
HUH??  WHY?? I THOUGHT BLOGGER AND UPLOADING PHOTOS WAS FREE???  And what are they telling me about Picasa Web Albums?  I don't use Picasa Web!!??  I'm confused!
I'm stupified, horrified and mortified.  Is it a joke?  Is it a prank?

Looks like blogger does not want me to post any more photos.  Seems as though blogger is giving me an ultimatum ; either cough up the extra money or ship out.
Well in that case, I'll ship out.  Unless somebody can enlighten me as to WHY I got that message?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Freebie light shades found!  BUT.  You'll notice with the first three shades, there is nothing to hang them from the ceiling light fixture.  I often find them like this, and only in rare instances I find them WITH their own metal socket (is that what they are called?).  

When I do find them, I hang on to them like gold!  I've been to various lighting stores but all I'm usually told is 'no sorry we don't sell them'.  

I browse eBay occasionally and I do find a small amount of them... and they are either vintage or if they are new, they cost a heap and /or in another country.  And of course there is no guarantee that they will actually fit the light shade - even if it's a few millimeters too big, this could be disastrous for the poor shade! 

I had found this working lamp sitting outside a neighbours front yard amongst some other rubbish a few years back, but I'm not sure why I never posted about it.  Why somebody would throw out something like this, I'll never understand.

The glass panels you see were very different - they had a lovely red flower on each of the panels.  Then one day the lamp came crashing down from where I had placed it and my heart sort of collapsed as well.

Just recently I found these glass panels on the metal frame that somebody was tossing out and although it's supposed to be a ceiling shade, it fits just right on the lamp.  Aaahhh, everything is dandy again.  :)

Friday, November 2, 2012


Sweet 'Koma' dome clock found for $3.  AND it works.  :)

How cool is this cotton fabric??  It's approximately 2m x 1m, which is a substantial amount.  I only paid $2 - clever me.


Hong Kong spoon found for $1.

Lovely bamboo coat hangers for only 50 cents each, found last year.  I never thought I'd say this about hangers, but they were worth every cent - I love them... as simple as they are.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Are there any knitting or crocheting Aussies out there that read my blog?  If there are, you'd be interested to know that I now sell a heap of yarn and knitting / crochet patterns down at   If you aren't a member, go sign up because it's free!

After you've done that, go directly here --->  FOR SALE.

Alternatively, go here --->

Please do be aware that I can only sell to Australians within Australia for the time being.  Thanks for understanding.


Now that's out of the way, I can show some cute mini plates I had found months ago.

30 cents got me this teeny little Northern Territory plate, with it's own teeny little cup.  The cup doesn't do much for me, but hey, it was included in the price.

50 cents got me this London mini plate.


A little larger than a mini plate, but this was $1 and oh so lovely.

Friday, October 12, 2012


My latest wooden ducks find... for 50 cents each.  :)

This guy was 99 cents...

Op shop workers CANNOT price thing properly.  They are sloppy and odd in their methods of choosing a specific price and each shop varies so much.  I went to one the other day which had reasonable prices, whereas another one (from the same chain of stores) had astronomical prices.  Why? I just don't get it.  Gone are the days when it was about helping people, and buying something used at a great price.  Now most of the used items you find, you can find new at nearly the same price!

Now it's become a money making scheme, hardly anything to do with charity.  And what does most of the money go toward?  I bet it's for advertising, paying the op shop workers wages and upgrading / prettying up their stores.  

Having said all that, the best times to go are with somebody you know that has a government pension/concession/student card because they get a small discount on Tuesdays (at least most of the op shops have this in Western Australia) or when you know they have half price days.  Half price days can be hard to find because a lot of them don't advertise it.  But, you will know it's half price day when you get there - they usually have a big sign on the window or a worker will tell you when you walk through the door.  It's pot luck really when you think about it - and with all that money they are making, why can't they advertise it??

Well, that's my op shop gripe for today.  But of course, I will never stop op shopping!  Not even if I become a millionaire (as my husband insists that's what we'll become after he completes his new 'invention'.  LOL.  Oh it's all very hush, hush, so I can't talk about that... sorry.   :/

Saturday, September 29, 2012


 An assortment of things found at the op shop;

The tag had $7 on this 'must have' sweater, but I got it down to $5 simply because I showed the lady at the counter a couple of pulled threads.  When I got it home, I pulled in the threads with a fine crochet hook - looks as good as new!  Remember this tip when you are looking at sweaters.  ;)

This is one of those things that left me stumped as to why I bought it.  Possibly because it came in it's own cute metal tin?  Maybe because the husbeast is into everything that has to do with car racing??  Maybe it was both.  I snapped it up for $4.  I rarely see metal toy cars at the op shop... they are usually all plastic and almost destroyed by its previous (child) owner.

I did some research on this gold spoon some time ago, and I did find some on eBay going for some astronomical price, and some cheaper.  I'm guessing the cheaper ones are/were replicas, but I really don't know what category my falls under.  I like to think that I scored one worth a mint.  LOL.  I paid 50 cents for this elegant spoon.

A vintage Gerber baby silver plated spoon for 50 cents. 
Silver can be so difficult to photograph sometimes! 

And finally, I just had to have these very sweet marble ducks.  At least I think they are marble... and if not, they are polished rock.  Found these for $1 each.  They measure about 2 inches across.  :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I have so many many light shades, I could almost open a small shop!  Thankfully eBay helps me in that way.  ;)

A really lovely lady was advertising these in a local online paper for free - so I snapped them up:

Keeping this one...

and this one...

there are 3 of these, also keeping!

 And these were found on somebody's front verge:

These, I think I will sell.  :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Just to refresh your memory and for the newbies that visit my blog:  All the 'stuff' you see here are either from the op shop (second hand store) or I pick up for free and of course I've kept a lot of things from my childhood that I show from time to time .... and I've been collecting for years and years.  

BUT, because it's getting a little out of hand in my home from the gathering of all sorts, I started selling on eBay about 6 months ago.  I can't cope with all the accumulating junk in my home, so if I don't really love it, I'll sell it!  Sorry though... I only sell on the Australian eBay. 

Simply gorgeous miniature plates found at the op shops, prices range from 50 cents to $5.

Ok, these aren't exactly mini plates.... I had found these collectable saucers for 50 cents each and I think they are a good candidate for listing on eBay, as somebody may have 2 matching cups.  :)