Well you may not find it so interesting, but obviously I do!
From thimbles to egg cups, crystal to glass, yarn to fabric... and even freebies! I love collecting!

Sunday, January 1, 2012
I found two Peter Rabbit egg cups, both at different times / op shops, and both for $1. Notice the differences? But of course I love them both just the way they are. :)
Now, I don't know much about copy right and trade marks etc. and I AM a little confused. One of the egg cups is the real deal (Frederick Warne & Co.) and one is a fake (Made in China). But both have 'tm' written after the name. If an image/character is clearly copy right, then how can there be a fake and how do they get away with making and selling it? Just curious is all, as they say in the U.S. ;)
The only thing I can see that would make it different enough is the colour change. Is that really enough though to rip somebody else's original idea?
Well you may not find it so interesting, but obviously I do!
Well you may not find it so interesting, but obviously I do!