Monday, August 15, 2011

Are you my biggest vintage fan?

My mother passed on an old fan last year, which I adore.  We are talking 1960's here and all the way from Italy.  I thought I'd show you this fan, simply because I was born in the mid 60's and it just happens to be my birthday today.  Happy Birthday to me.

Whilst writing up this blog entry, I went to see what was written on the top base of the fan but I had to reach up to grab it from the top of the book case.  I had forgotten I had a glass light shade  behind it, so when I pulled the fan, the light shade came roaring down and smashed yet another standing light shade with a glass cover.  Funnily, the first light shade wasn't hurt at all. 
Oy vey.  I can't believe it. 

So what WAS written on the top base of the fan after all that?  Nothing.  Just 0, 1, 2 for the settings.
Oy vey, yet again.