Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Existance is nothing without Coke.

If you steer HERE for a tad and have a quick look at the Coke slogans throughout the ages, you'll either see that nobody can survive without drinking the product, or you are not fooled and know that eventually, it will slowly corrode / eat your insides.

And if you go HERE to have a quick look to see what its other uses are besides drinking and if you are like me, you'll probably never want to touch the stuff again.  My absolute favourite on that list is the very last one - 'life begins here'.  It's sad to know that my life was non-existent before, but after drinking Coke, my life actually begins!
Oh, the tricks and lies they say just to sell a product is incomprehendable!

Ok, I know I'm not telling you anything new here.  But where's the fun if one can't judge a huge company like Coke Cola?  Bbwwaahhaaha!

I'm not a Coke drinker myself... and I do prefer Pepsi any old day, but it's rare that I even drink that.  But oh, a glass when it's over 40 degrees here in Australian (which is very hot indeed) is every so wonderfully refreshing!

After saying all that, look what I scored for free from a dear lady which lived not to far from my home;

And look how much this person is selling theirs for;

The print is dated 1995 (hardly vintage yet!) and if it were 15 or 20 years older, I wonder how much it would be worth?